
Pool Construction

Pool Construction
Using tried and tested methods for pool construction

We offer an excellent quality finished pool construction built from individual specifications, with the correct reinforcing and using good quality steel stabiliser bars in the shell. We make use of tried and trusted products and guarantee our workmanship.

  • Build
  • Renovate
  • Repair

Affordable Swimming Pool Designs

Pool Construction


Pool reductions and pool enlargements. We specialize in pool reductions and enlargements, at affordable rates. We offer the solution to your pool improvements.





Hot tubs and spas are pools with hot water, used for relaxation or therapy, and are common in homes, hotels, clubs. Whirlpool tubs first became popular in America during the 1960’s and 1970’s.“Jacuzzi” is an Italian multinational corporation that produces whirlpool bathtubs and hot tubspas with its first product being a bath with massaging jets.
Air bubbles may be introduced into the nozzles via an air-bleed venturi pump that combines cooler air with the incoming heated water to cool the pool. There are different temperature control options like heat pumps and a pool heater.

Fibreglassing of pools

Pool Maintenance

Old pools that have been fibreglassed a while ago might have an issue called "delamination" where water seeps behind the damaged fibreglass and lifts the fibreglass. The best approach to adopt in this case is to remove the fibreglass and replace. There are best practices when applying new fibreglass that have been tried and tested. In most cases the guarantee for fibreglass application is give or take five years.